ANNOUNCEMENT!!! On June 20, 2024 at 09.00 o’clock in the conference hall of the Russian Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Physiopathology and Pediatrics for 4th year students of the 409-410 group of the 2nd medical faculty there will be an open lecture on the topic: “Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: prevalence, definition, etiopathogenesis, diagnostic criteria, … Continue reading "ANNOUNCEMENT!"

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Employees of the Department of Pulmonology Phthisiology TMA Associate Professor Khodzhaeva M.I. and senior teacher Kayumova S.S. and students of the 1st Faculty of Medicine, group 409, gave a lecture on the topic “General concepts of tuberculosis”, dedicated to World Tuberculosis Day on March 24 for lyceum students  in the assembly hall of the academic … Continue reading "MARCH 24 IS WORLD TUBERCULOSIS DAY!"

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November 7, 2023 Khakimova R.A., Associate Professor of the Department of Phthisiology and Pulmonology, Andijan State Medical Institute, Faculty of Dentistry, Soliev I.S., senior lecturer of the Department of Rehabilitation, sports medicine, traditional medicine and physical education and Ongarbaev D.O. senior lecturer of the department Phthisiology and Pulmonology of the Tashkent Medical Academy held an … Continue reading "INTEGRATED LECTURE AT THE ASMI!"

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10/23/2023 at 9:00 Tashkent time a lecture was held via zoom on the topic: “Modern ideas about anti-tuberculosis immunity” for TMA students Lecturer: Balasayants Gohar Sisakovna Chief freelance specialist phthisiatrician of the St. Petersburg Health Committee. Professor, head of the scientific and methodological department of the St. Petersburg Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology Professor of the … Continue reading "INTERNATION EDUCATIONAL LECTURE!"

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Master Class!

On February 11, 2020, in the lecture hall of the Tashkent Clinical Hospital of Phthisiology and Pulmonology, the head of the pulmonology department of Asfendiyarov Almaty State Medical University, Ph.D. Esetova G. gave a lecture on the topic: "Pneumonia. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, differential diagnosis and treatment."

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